Sermons from 2021
Adevnt: Peace
ADVENT: PEACEWhat is Peace? Shalom – Something that’s complex with lots of pieces that’s in a state of completeness, wholeness, or has been restored. Personal Well-Being–Luke 2:14 “peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased” (NLT)–Colossians 1:15-23 (NLT)–Romans 5:1 (NLT) The World or Circumstances–John 14:27 (NLT)–Isaiah 8:11-14a (NASB)–Isaiah 54:10 (ESV)–Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLT)–John 14:27 (NLT) Human Relationships–Philippians 4:4-9 (NLT)–Romans 12:17-18 (NLT)–Ephesians 4:2-3 (NLT) “Real contentment must come from within. You and I cannot change or control the world around…
The Mission of God – Disciple Making
A disciple is a person who follows Jesus, is being transformed by Jesus and joins Jesus in his mission of making disciples. This is every believer’s privilege and duty.
Milk vs. Meat: Thankfulness
Milk vs. Meat: ThankfulnessActs 16:16-40 Thankfulness definition:-Conscience of benefit received-Expression of thanks-Well Pleased What are we thankful for?Milk-I’m happy because I’m in a good situation-I can be thankful for the good things in my life-I’m thankful for the good people in my lifeMeat-I’m happy because I’m God’s own-I’m thankful for all things in my life as because God is working through them-I’m thankful for all people in my life as God is working on them through me The root of…
Milk & Cereal
Becoming a person of influence (A message for everyone) A person of Influence-Prayer (Open our eyes) James 1:2-8-Study the bible (Don’t just read it)–Parable of the farmer scattering seed–Romans 12:2-Re-evaluate daily Luke 9:23–”I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And that which I can do, by the grace of God, I will do.” D.L.Moody Becoming a Person of Influence
Milk vs Meat
What is the Goal? Matthew 28:18-20 People Need Jesus Who are you working for? Exodus 34:5-7How to Attain Understanding-Time in God’s Word Deuteronomy 6:4-9Hebrews 5:11-14 Theology Can we move from elementary understanding to deeper understandingBasic understandings are rarely enough to engage culture Bad Theology within the church-Children’s songs— “Dare to be a Daniel”; We are not to look to men as an example of God; Individuals have flaws–”Twelve men went to spy on Canaan”; Ten were bad and two were…
Alignment (Establish Life-giving Habits and Rhythm)
Alignment (Establish Life-giving Habits and Rhythm) What explains the relationship between these three realities? -Most people recognize the dangers of texting while driving. -No one intends to cause an accident because of texting while driving. -Many accidents occur because people are texting while driving. Ephesians 5:15-17 2 Corinthians 5:14b-15 Heaven and Hell on Earth -Transfiguration (Mark 9:2-8) Transfiguration -Jesus’ appearance was transformed -Transfiguration reveals Christ’s Divine Nature –Moses represents the Law –Elijah represents the Profits -Romans 12:1-2 -Transfiguration (Mark 9:2-8)…
Generosity (Live Fully in the Economy of God’s Grace)
Generosity (Live Fully in the Economy of God’s Grace) 2 Corinthians 5:14b-15 Are we allowing God to Love us & to Love through us? Are we allowing God to Love You & to Love through You? Grace (Charis) Forgiveness (Charis-omai) Gifting (Charis-ma) Gratitude (Eu-Charis-t) Becoming a Hope-Filled Advocate 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Barnabas Acts 15:36-41 The believers share their possessions Joseph Barnabas “Son of Encouragement” Ananias and Sapphira No longer being satisfied with simply living a “Christian life”…
Love: Love People as God Loves People
Love: Absorbs Pain(Love People as God Loves People)John 13; 1 Corinthians 13:4-13 Matthew 22:36-40Are We Allowing God to Love You & to Love Through You? A women caught in adulteryThe crippled man at the pool of BethesdaJohn 3:16-17Jesus washed his disciples’ feet Love is a new commandmentJohn 13:34-35 1 Corinthians 13:4-13Ephesians 1:19-20Matthew 6:21Romans 5:5b-6Colossians 3:12-171 Corinthians 8:12 Corinthians 8:14b-15 Have you ever been the recipient of such unmerited love?Have you ever experienced the love of God?Has anyone ever absorbed your…
Spend Yourself Well; Vision: See God, Self, Others, and World as God Sees
Spend Yourself Well Spend Yourself Well2 Corinthians 5:14b-15Vision: See God, Self, Others, and the World as God Sees.Through the Life & Time of Daniel-Daniel in Nebuchadnezzar’s Court-Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream-The Writing on the Wall-Daniel in the Lion’s Den-Daniel in Nebuchadnezzar’s Court–Daniel 1:1-2; 1:5-6; 1:7—Daniel (Cod is my judge); Belteshazzar (Bel, protect his life!/Baal’s Prince)—Hananiah (the LORD shows grace); Shadrach (under the command of Aku”)(the moon god)—Mishael (Who is like God?); Meshach (Who is like Aku?)—Azariah (the LORD helps); Abednego (servant of Nebo)(the god…