Sermons from 2023 (Page 2)
Jason & Connie Risser, MAF
What is the Gospel? Colossians 1:13-14,20
Questions: Why is Jesus the Only Way? Did Jesus Even Exist?
Questions “Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.” Hebrews 11:1 (NLT) “The origin of the physical constants that is getting closer to a good argument.” “You might convince somebody like me to be a deist, but then suddenly we get Jesus Christ, we get the crucifixion, and we get the resurrection…don’t think that because you’ve convinced somebody of the fine-tuning to be a deist, therefore, he’s got to believe…
Questions: What is the Evidence That There is a God?
Hebrews 11:1-3 The Big Bang Theory “The origin of the physical constants that is getting closer to a good argument” -Richard Dawkins Romans 1:19-20 The Fine-Tuning Argument The characterization of the universe as finely tuned suggests that the occurrence of life in the universe is very sensitive to the values of certain fundamental physical constants and that other values different from the observed ones are, for some reason, improbable. “It is the fine-tuned argument … that one degree, well, one…
Questions: What are the Results of the Faith?
Questions: What are the results of the faith? “The unexamined life is not worth living” -Socrates“A good, but unexamined life will be high on duty and not likely to celebrate the odd paradoxes, the ironic coincidences, and the humor of being dirt.” -C.S. LewisActs 17:10-12 The parable of the farmer scattering seeds Mathew 13:1-23James 1:21-25“Some people can be so disoriented to God that when he begins to work around them, they actually become annoyed at the interruption!” -Henry T. Blackaby…
Take Jesus With You & Be A Blessing
Take Jesus With You & Be A Blessing(based on “Lost Cause” by Dave Ferguson) Take Jesus With You Matthew 28:18-20Ephesians 6:10-12Colossians 1:6 Statistics“Nearly half of practicing Christians say it is WRONG to evangelize (47%).” (Barna Research)“Two out of three practicing Christians believe being a WITNESS about Jesus is part of their faith (65%).” (Barna Research) Unchurched people are NOT coming back to church.-66% said they were unlikely to attend a church service anytime soon (Lifeway Research)-49% very unlikely to attend…
The Prodigal Son, part 3: A Fathers Prayer
The Prodigal Son, part 3: A Fathers PrayerLuke 15:11-32 Philippians 2:3-5 Psalms 27:14Psalms 1031 John 4:71 Corinthians 13:4-71 John 4:9-20Colossians 3:1-17Ephesians 5:21
The Prodigal Son, part 2: the older son
The Prodigal Son, part 2: The Older Son Luke 15:11-32
The Prodigal Son, part 1: the prodigal
The Prodigal Son; Luke 15:11-24A first hand renditionThe early years…The problem… Luke 15:11-13Years away… Luke 15:13-16The Heart Turns… Luke 15:17-19The demoniac healed… Luke 8:26-39-Isaiah 53:3-4a-Dueteronomy 6:2–2 Samuel 14:b–Isaiah 9:2-7–Deuteronomy 15:7-8The Return… Luke 15:20-21The Reaction… Luke 15:22-24–Isaiah 41:10–1 John 4:18Do you know a prodigal?–Romans 3:23-24“Don’t tell people why they need Jesus, tell them why you need Jesus!” Pastor David Possinger
Heaven (Paradise)
John Puckett Heaven (Paradise) Heaven – Among Christians, the part of space in which the omnipresent Jehovah is supposed to afford more sensible manifestations of his glory. Hence this is called the habitation of God, and is represented as the residence of angels and blessed spirits. Paradise – The garden of Eden, in which Adam and Eve were placed immediately after creation.A place of bliss; a region of supreme felicity or delight. The earth shall be paradises—Heaven John 14:23-24As followers…
Starting Well…Finishing Badly
Jewel Reyes first shares an update on New Birth Christian School in the Dominican Republic. David Reyes then shares a message that challenges us to finish well. It takes WORK. Sometimes we treat God like the spare tire on a Jeep. We drive our lives and have God stuck in the back to use when we need Him; but God wants to be the one driving. We sometimes start well, but finish badly due to Jesus not truly being a…
The Mysteries of the Holy Spirit – Part 3
“The Mysteries of the Holy Spirit – Part 3” Romans 7:14-17, Romans 7:24-25, Romans 8:8-6 -How do we live consistently in the fruit of the Spirit?-How can we be in tune with the Spirit’s voice?-How can we allow Spirits power to be maximized in our lives? How do we Accomplish this?-First and foremost – acceptance of Jesus-Be committed to seeking and developing a relationship with our Lord Commitment-How easy is it to commit to something?-Is the goal in mind worth…
The Mysteries of the Holy Spirit – Part 2
“The Mysteries of the Holy Spirit – Part 2” Romans 8:9 How can I be in tune with the voice of God?How can I allow the power of the Spirit to be maximized in my life? Personal Agenda or God’s Agenda?-Are we seeking the Spirit to truly hear God’s voice or seeking for confirmation on what we desire to hear? Acts 9:1-18 -Do you think the personal agenda of Ananias was to go see Saul?-How powerful God was able to…