Hebrews 11:1-3
The Big Bang Theory
“The origin of the physical constants that is getting closer to a good argument” -Richard Dawkins
Romans 1:19-20
The Fine-Tuning Argument
The characterization of the universe as finely tuned suggests that the occurrence of life in the universe is very sensitive to the values of certain fundamental physical constants and that other values different from the observed ones are, for some reason, improbable.
“It is the fine-tuned argument … that one degree, well, one degree, one hair [of difference] … even though it doesn’t prove design, doesn’t prove a Designer … you have to spend time thinking about it, working on it. It’s not a trivial [argument]. We all say that.” -Christopher Hitchens
“The more we get to know about our universe. The more we hypothesis that there is a Creator God, who designed the universe for a purpose, gains in credibility are the best explanation of why we are here” -John Lennox
“The more we get to know about our universe, the more the hypothesis that there is a Creator God, who designed the universe for a purpose, gains in credibility as the best explanation of why we are here” -John Lennox
“Both Genesis and science say that the universe is geared to supporting human life. But Genesis says more. It says to you, as a human being, bear the image of God. The starry heavens show the glory of God, yes; but they are not made in God’s image. You are. That Makes you unique. It gives you an incalculable valve. The galaxies are unimaginably large compared with you. However, you know that they exist, but they don’t know that you exist. You are more significant, therefore, than a galaxy” -John Lennox
God’s Masterpiece
Eshesians 2:4-10
What is the evidence that there is a God in your life?