Building God’s Church (Study of Haggai)
Haggai 1-2:9
What are we chasing after? What are our expectations?
Catching Perfection
Haggai 2:10-19
Clean and Unclean; vs 10-14
-Jesus can heal
–The body continues to decay
-Jesus can atone for sin
–Temptation still remains
-We can be saved
–This doesn’t transfer to other generations without belief in Jesus
-Ounce we are saves
–We remain in a fallen world
-Once we were forgiven
–Temptation stills remains
-When we minister
–We must be careful what we “pick up’
-What we do
–Doesn’t create holiness
Holiness isn’t contagious, Sin is…
Salvation is secure, but individual
John 5:24 -the individual is saved-
-Each individual must make this decision for themselves
Sin is Contagious; “when you are tempted” James 1:13-15
Where temptation comes from; Genesis 3:4-5; Genesis 4:7
James 1:13-15 “temptation comes from our own desires” ”these desires give birth to sinful actions”
Galatians 5:19-23; Fruit of the Spirit vs Fruit of the Flesh
How to ‘Catch Perfection’
-We must constantly fight against our flesh
-The world doesn’t help this fight
–This is the free will God grants us
-Doing Christian things doesn’t make us holy
–Only a relationship with Jesus
-Perfection only comes from a direct relationship with Jesus
–There are no secondary Christians
Holy Spirit’s Power vs. Satan; John 16:7-11
Hardship and Provision; Haggai 2:15-19
God uses hardship to draw us in; Haggai 2:17
The purpose of Hardship; Malachi 3:3
The Provider; Haggai 2:19
Hardship and Provision
-In both hardship and provision, it is up to us how we react and to whom we give credit to and look for guidance from.
-Provision: is always from God
-Hardship: is always to draw us closer to God
–Hardship without individual cause: To test our reliance on God
–Hardships from sin: To call us back
What is transferable?
Catching Perfection
Jesus is the only way to perfection
To the non-believer
-Who is going to show them the way to Him?
-How do we love in a way that brings them in?
-Jesus is the one to remove our filth and give His perfection.
To the believer
-How do we lift each other up and give accountability?
-How do we walk in a way as to not minimize sin or temp one another?
-How do we, in Christ’s love, restore those who have fallen?