Sermons from April 2022
The Christ Hymn (Part 2)
Finding the Joy in the Journey; The Christ Hymn (Part 2)Philippians 2:1-11 5 Christ must have the same attitude that you have. Wrong!!5 You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.Resurrection “He Lives”Romans 8:9-10Exaltation “He Reigns!”Acts 2:33Ephesians 3:14-19Philippians 2:10-11b2 Peter 3:9 “He is being patient… but wants everyone to repent”The flood did come… Israel went into exile… Christ will return…Philippians 2:11b “to the glory of God the Father” Do you have the same attitude as Jesus?Are you selfishly…
Finding the Joy in the Journey; The Christ Hymn
Finding the Joy in the Journey; The Christ HymnPhilippians 2:1-11 5 Christ must have the same attitude that you have. Wrong!!5 You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.Romans 8:10 Part 1 (vv. 6-8)-In the Beginning…–(External Existence)–John 1:1-5,14–Isaiah 14:12-15–Luke 10:18b–Genesis 3:5—THIS IS THE STRUGGLE! -He Serves–JESUS WASHES FEET–Mark 10:35-45 -He Sacrifices–Philippians 2:7b-8 Are you selfishly clinging to your rights, or are you willing to serve?Do you have the same attitude as Jesus?
Finding the Joy in the Journey. How do we do this!?!
Living as a Citizen of Heaven. What does it look like to be a citizen of heaven? Philippians 1:27 Philippians 2:1-3 How do we do this!?! Galatians 5:13-26 Understanding our freedom -Freedom is for our benefit -We are free from our flesh! –This freedom allows us to —Vs. 14 love our neighbor as ourselves —Vs. Is NOT to bite and devour one one another Why are there so many warnings present about how we treat each other? The problems we…