Sermons on Spiritual Growth

Sermons on Spiritual Growth


Randy SmithLMC “a fellowship of anabaptist churches”A Spirit-led movement to:– Make disciples of Jesus,– Mobilize every member as a missionary, and– Multiply faith communities locally and beyond! Love FIRST John 14:23,24 “Those who love me will follow my commands”John: Chapters 13 – 14-Salvation is not intellectual.-The means to obtain salvation is not a path or a process, it is a person.– Jesus is “The way, and the truth, and the life” John 14:6-Arriving at our spiritual destiny is not a…

The Spirit-Empowered Life

Someone once said, “Your talk talks, and your walk talks, but your walk talks louder than your talk talks!” We’ve all encountered people whose lives don’t align with their words. In this sermon, we explore the concept of living a spirit-empowered life.

Why You’re Here?

Faith Foundations: Why You’re Here Creation Genesis 1:1Day 1: LightDay 2: ShyDay 3: LandDay 4: Sun & MoonDay 6: AnimalsAnd God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:25bPause…Then God said, “Let us make human beings[b] in our image, to be like us.” Genesis 1:26b-27 Image of GodGenesis 1:31John 4:24Tselem – shape, resemblance, figure, shadowImago dei – refers to the immaterial part of humanity Mentally, Morally, SociallyMentally – Humanity was created to reason and make choices.-A reflection of God’s intellect and…

The Mysteries of the Holy Spirit – Part 3

“The Mysteries of the Holy Spirit – Part 3” Romans 7:14-17, Romans 7:24-25, Romans 8:8-6 -How do we live consistently in the fruit of the Spirit?-How can we be in tune with the Spirit’s voice?-How can we allow Spirits power to be maximized in our lives? How do we Accomplish this?-First and foremost – acceptance of Jesus-Be committed to seeking and developing a relationship with our Lord Commitment-How easy is it to commit to something?-Is the goal in mind worth…

Love: Love People as God Loves People

Love: Absorbs Pain(Love People as God Loves People)John 13; 1 Corinthians 13:4-13 Matthew 22:36-40Are We Allowing God to Love You & to Love Through You? A women caught in adulteryThe crippled man at the pool of BethesdaJohn 3:16-17Jesus washed his disciples’ feet Love is a new commandmentJohn 13:34-35 1 Corinthians 13:4-13Ephesians 1:19-20Matthew 6:21Romans 5:5b-6Colossians 3:12-171 Corinthians 8:12 Corinthians 8:14b-15 Have you ever been the recipient of such unmerited love?Have you ever experienced the love of God?Has anyone ever absorbed your…

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

John 15:1-2; Hebrews 12:3-11 Sin – Because there is sin in the world. There are consequences for our actions. Spiritual Pruning God ‘prunes’ us so that we experience fullness in Him. The final outcome isn’t immediate. When he takes things away – it brings new growth. Consider the bad things in your life… Is it because of sin in your life? If so, talk to Him about it.  Confess your sins. Are you being pruned? He is wanting you to…

Is Jesus Enough?

Is His ____ enough throughout  every aspect of my life? Colossians 3:23 Romans 12:11 Genesis 2:18 Luke 10:38-42 Acts 4:1-20; Acts 5:40-42 Philippians 3:1-11 Is Jesus enough in every aspect of your life? If not, what needs to change in your life to get to that point?