Prophets, Priest & People

Prophets, Priest & People

Prophets, Priest & People
How Does God Communicate?
How Important is Communication?
What is a Prophet? God’s work in Past, Present, Future
The Role of Priests
The Role of Peter; Matthew 16:15-20
What Does Peter Say? 1 Peter 1:1-2
Who Are We as Christ’s Followers? 1 Peter 2:9-10
-Chosen People (Abraham Covenant, Genesis 12)
-Royal Priesthood (Mosaic Covenant, Exodus 19-24)
-A Holy Nation (New Covenant, Jeremiah 31)

This should excite us!!!

What Does This Lead To?
1 Peter 3:15-16
-Revere (Worship) Christ by giving a reason for the hope we have in a way that isn’t blunt or offensive.
1 Peter 4:10-11
-Using our gifts as faithful stewards; Matthew 25:14-30

What Do We Need to Do to Follow Jesus?
-Hebrews 12:1-2 Remember, Remove, Run!, Refocus

The 3:16 Verses
-Remember: Surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses; John 3:16,
-Remove: Let us throw off everything that hinders and entangles;1 John 3:16
-Run: with perseverance; Colssians 3:16
-Refocus: Fixing our eyes on Jesus; 2 Timothy 3:16

What does this look like lived out?
Read the books of Peter
Jesus’ Call to His Disciples. Mark 16:15-18
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