Take Jesus with You & Be a Blessing

Take Jesus with You & Be a Blessing

Take Jesus with You & Be a Blessing
(Based on “Lost Cause” by Dave Fergusen)
Matthew 28:18-20, Colossians 1:6

“Nearly half of practicing Christians say it is WRONG to evangelize (47%)” -Barnea Research

“Two out of these practicing Christians believes being a WITNESS about Jesus is part of their faith (65%)” -Barnea Research

Unchurched people are NOT coming back to church.
-66% said they were unlikely to attend a church service anytime soon -Lifeway Research
-49% very unlikely to attend a church service -Lifeway Research
-79% of unchurched people agreed to the following statement: ”I don’t mind talking to a friend about faith if they really value it.” -Lifeway Research

“…the best thing that could ever happen to someone is for them to know Jesus (94% to 97%).” -Barnea Research

“Just 28% of Christians are actively involved in a discipleship relationship. -Barnea Research

Why are you not discipling another person?
-38% – Don’t think I am qualified / equipped
-24% – No one has suggested it /ask me
-23% – Just haven’t thought about it
– 3% – Had a bad experience in the past
-14% – Other
-Barnea Research

What do you valve?
“Love your neighbor as yourself”
“How much do you have to hate somebody to believe everlasting life is possible and not tell them that? -Penn Jilette (Atheist)

B – Be in Prayer (never stop praying) Romans 10:1 Colossians 1:9
L – Listen
— Jesus & the Blind Man (Luke 18:38-42)
— 79% of unchurched people agreed to the following statement: ”I don’t mind talking to a friend about their faith if they really value it.” -Lifeway Research
— 1. Listen without judgment
— 2. Allow them to Draw their own conclusions
— 3. Have confidence in saving your own perspective
E – Eat (Matthew 11:16-19)
— Jesus and Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10)
— 3 – meals a day
— 1 – coffee break
— 7 – days a week
— 4×7=28 opportunities
—- What if we set aside 1?
S – Serve (Mark 10:45)
–Jesus Heals a deaf man (Mark 7:31-37)
— Lessons from Jesus about serving others:
— Proximity (Mark 7:32) – Our mission starts with those around us
— Personally (Mark 7:32) – Serve people with dignity and an understanding of their needs
— Powerfully (Mark 7:34-38) – Accessing God’s power (John 14:12)
S – Story (1 Peter 3:15)
— Part 1: My life before Jesus
— Part 2: How I met Jesus
— Part3: My life since I met Jesus
—- What are you excited about that God is doing in your life?

The B.L.E.S.S. Practices Handout https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oR9M6VONUx6TFpm0tVzr867PBWnA2XvV/view?usp=drive_link


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