(Live Fully in the Economy of God’s Grace)
2 Corinthians 5:14b-15
Are we allowing God to Love us & to Love through us?
Are we allowing God to Love You & to Love through You?
Grace (Charis)
Forgiveness (Charis-omai)
Gifting (Charis-ma)
Gratitude (Eu-Charis-t)
Becoming a Hope-Filled Advocate
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Acts 15:36-41
The believers share their possessions
Joseph Barnabas “Son of Encouragement”
Ananias and Sapphira
No longer being satisfied with simply living a “Christian life” but living our lives for Christ.
Saul/Paul The church in Antioch of Syria Acts 11:23-24
First Missionary Journey Acts 13:4-5, Acts 13:13b
Second Missionary Journey Acts 15:36-41
What happened to Mark? 2 Timothy 4:11
The gospel of Mark
Story: Mentioned:
-Acts 4:36-37 -1 Corinthians 9:6
-Acts 9:27-15-39 -Galatians 2:1, 9, 15
-Colossians 4:10
3 Attributes of Barnabas that served as a model for us:
-Persistently believed for and speak life into people.
-Refuse to freeze people in their worst moment.
-Leverage your resources and reputation to bless others.
Are you more like Barnabas?
Are you more like Mark?
Are you more like both (Barnabas/Mark)?
Are you willing to be a Hope-Filled Advocate?