Sermons from February 2025
The Cusre and Blessing of Wealth
The Cusre and Blessing of WealthEcclesiastes 5 Approaching God with Care (Ecclesiastes 5:1-7)-The Offering of Sacrifice (Ecclesiastes 5:1) Romans 12:1-2-Careless Praying (Ecclesiastes 5:2-3) Hebrews 4:16. Hebrews 10:19, Matthew 6:14-15, James 4:1-10–Parable of the Pharisee and Tax Collector-Making Vows to the Lord (Ecclesiastes 5:4-7) The Curse of Wealth (Ecclesiastes 5:8-17)-Discontentment (Ecclesiastes 5:10)-Overly fixated on wealth (Ecclesiastes 5:11) 1 Timothy 6:9-10-Lack of Sleep (Ecclesiastes 5:12)-Death (Ecclesiastes 5:15-16)-Our Sanity (Ecclesiastes 5:17) To Be Determined (Ecclesiastes 5:18-6:12)”They say you can’t take it with you,…
Meaningless: Better Together
22 But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!Galatians 5:22-23 (NLT) Hebrews 10:19-25 (NLT)Togetherness Let us give thanks for the relationship and community that God has given us. Let us be better together as we strengthen, comfort, and encourage one another, all while most importantly keeping Jesus at the center our lives and relationships.
Meaningless: The Search Continues
Meaningless: The Search ContinuesEcclesiastes 3 Teacher (Qoheleth) Teacher, Preacher, or AssemblerThe term suggests someone who addresses an assembly, imparting wisdom or teachings. God Works in Time-The Teacher saw something above man–God is in control of time and life’s experience (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8; Psalm 139:15-16)–Martyrs Mirror “Yes, my dear and beloved wife in the Lord, to everything, says Solomon, there is a time: “A time to meet, and a time to part.” Hence my dear wife in the Lord what more godly…