Sermons from February 2022
Brain Thrush Sharing
Brain Thrush Sharing Cru
True Fellowship
Finding Joy in the JourneyTrue Fellowship Philippians 1:3-11 Koinonia: Fellowship (Partnership)Contributory help, participation, sharing in, communion, spiritual fellowship, a fellowship in the spirit. -Thinking of You (vv. 3-6)– Ephesians 2:8-9– Philippians 1:6—-Koinonitus: “Holy Huddle”—-Only comfortable with each other, doing church our way, personal convictions treated as biblical truths.-Special Place in My Heart (vv. 7-8)– Philippians 1:8– 1 John 3:11-20– Colossians 3:12-15-Praying for You (vv. 9-11)– 2 Corinthians 5:14b-17– Philippians 1:11 Is your desire to be a part of A True…
The Account of Two Whales
The Account of Two WhalesJonah 1 – 3Romans 15:4Acts 1:8Dunamis – Dynamite-Definition–Miraculous Power–Ability–Abundance–Strength–Violence–Might Wonderful Work
God’s Holy People
Finding the Joy in the Journey