My wife, Darlene, and I have been married for 46+ years. We have three daughters, two sons, and five grandchildren. We reside on our family farm in the Mercersburg area. The first five years of my life I lived near Lemasters on Meyers Road. I have now lived on Shimpstown Road for the past 63 years. Our youngest son was needing a youth group to attend when he was in high school, so we started attending Mercersburg Mennonite Church which is located close to home.
Darlene and I strive to be encouraging to others and teach God’s Word. We believe we need to stand on the Truth, the Bible for our daily living. I am involved at MMC in multiple ways such as leading a Bible study and teaching a Sunday school class. Some hobbies of mine are traveling and reading.
Welcome to a church where Jesus Christ is honored and glorified. His Word is taught, helping us to obey, know God, work together in loving harmony and taking God’s Good News to the world.