What Do You Fear?

What Do You Fear?

What Do You Fear? Mark 4:35-41

Does fear have any place in the life of a believer?

Jesus calms the storm.

Two Fears
Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?

Delios; timid. Fearful, cowardly; Mark 8:26, Mark 4:40, Revelations 21:8
Phobeomai, Phobos; to fear, be afraid, alarmed, in some context improper and an impediment to faith and love; to reverence, respect, worship[, in other context a proper fear for God, a deep reverence and awe. Margas; great; spatially: large; of quantity or degree: loud intense, violent; of time: long (time); of position; great, important

What are you more afraid of? The storm or the God of the storm (Jesus).

Do we have a healthy fear of the Lord?

How can we exercise a heat\lthy ‘fear’ of the Lord?
John 3:16-17; Matthew 28:16-20

What Do You Fear? What will you do with a healthy fear of the Lord?


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