Hello, my name is Mona Buchanan. I am married to Kevin and we have three grown children and three grandkids. I was born and raised in Franklin County, PA and I am a Mercersburg Mennonite “lifer”. My dad’s family went to the “original” Mercersburg Mennonite Church which was called Williamson Mennonite. I grew up in this congregation and have been a member since my baptism at the age of nine.
Being a teacher by vocation, I have a passion for education, not only the teaching of core content at the public school where I work, but also, and more importantly, for teaching the truth of God’s Word to children so that they might know His plan of salvation for them. I also strongly believe it is up to Christian adults to teach and train children in the Holy Bible so that they will be clear about how God wants His people to live.
The thing I enjoy most as a hobby is reading, particularly historical fiction. Some of my all-time favorites are “The Mark of the Lion” trilogy by Francine Rivers, and Sarah Sundin’s novels which are set in the World War II era. I love books that not only tell a story but demonstrate through their characters how people grow and change with God’s help throughout their life experiences. Besides reading, I love spending time with my family and traveling to the Outer Banks to enjoy the beach.
To anyone visiting our page for the first time:
Please, if you don’t have a home church and are looking for somewhere to be with people who love God and to hear the truth of God’s Word preached and taught, consider joining us here at Mercersburg Mennonite! We would love to have you!