As believers in Jesus Christ, our desire is to be REAL WITH GOD, REAL WITH EACH OTHER and REAL WITH THE WORLD . No longer being satisfied with simply living a “Christian life” but living our lives for Christ.
Symbols of Christmas Nativity : Luke 2:4-9Angels : Luke 2:9-12Wisemen : Matthew 2:1-10Poinsettias : In memory of our loved ones.Evergreens & Wreaths : John 3:16Bells : Luke 2:14Candy Cane : John 10:14-15Star : Matthew 2:9-10Gifts : Matthew 2:11Lights & Candles : Are we being a light for Christ? For the safety and privacy of our children, we are unable to include the video recording on our website. This policy is in place to ensure their protection and comply with privacy…
The Counter-Cultural King CULTURE:“The complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.” E.B. Tylor Additional Verses Jesus feeds the 5,000 COMMUNION
“I can’t get mad at God…God’s all I had through this. He’s who I had to rely on the most. Getting mad at Him wouldn’t have done any good.”
~ Grant Buchanan